Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Images 1-44 of 44 displayed.

Alabaster Canopic Jars and Box with lid that contained Tutankhamun's mummified internal organs. Four Goddesses. Isis, Nephythys, Selket, and Neith. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Alabaster Canopic Jars and Box with lid that contained Tutankhamun's mummified internal organs. Four Goddesses. Isis, Nephythys, Selket, and Neith. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Alabaster Canopic Jars that contained Tutankhamun's mummified internal organs. Four Goddesses. Isis, Nephythys, Selket, and Neith . 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Alabaster Canopic Jars that contained Tutankhamun's mummified internal organs. Four Goddesses. Isis, Nephythys, Selket, and Neith . 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Alabaster Figure From the Tomb of Tutankhamun.18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Alabaster Figure From the Tomb of Tutankhamun.18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Amenhotep III and Tiye. 18th Dynasty
Amenhotep III and Tiye. 18th Dynasty
Block Statue of Hor. A Priest of Montu, the god of Armant. 25th Dynasty. ca. 712 664. From Karnak
Block Statue of Hor. A Priest of Montu, the god of Armant. 25th Dynasty. ca. 712 664. From Karnak
Block Statue. Two figures Kneeling
Block Statue. Two figures Kneeling
Bust of a Pharaoh
Bust of a Pharaoh
Bust of Akhenaten. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1353 1336 BCE
Bust of Akhenaten. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1353 1336 BCE
Cairo Museum
Cairo Museum
Canopic Shrine on Gilt Wooden Sledge that contained Tutankhamun's mummified internal organs. The Four Goddesses Isis, Nephythys, Selket, and Neith surrounded the shrine with outstretched arms. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Canopic Shrine on Gilt Wooden Sledge that contained Tutankhamun's mummified internal organs. The Four Goddesses Isis, Nephythys, Selket, and Neith surrounded the shrine with outstretched arms. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Coffins in Main Hall of Cairo Museum
Coffins in Main Hall of Cairo Museum
Exterior of the Musuem of Cairo
Exterior of the Musuem of Cairo
Gate on 1st Floor of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Please help identify
Gate on 1st Floor of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Please help identify
Gilded Wooden throne of Tutankhamun. From the Antechamber of the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Gilded Wooden throne of Tutankhamun. From the Antechamber of the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Inner, Nested Shrines Containing Sarcophagus of Tutankhamun.18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Inner, Nested Shrines Containing Sarcophagus of Tutankhamun.18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Jewel Casket of Thuya. Lid has cartouches of Amenhotep III and god Heh
Jewel Casket of Thuya. Lid has cartouches of Amenhotep III and god Heh
Jewel Casket of Thuya
Jewel Casket of Thuya
Jewel Caskets of Thuya. Lid has cartouches of Amenhotep III and god Heh
Jewel Caskets of Thuya. Lid has cartouches of Amenhotep III and god Heh
Ka Statue of Tutankhamun Wearing the Khat Headdress. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE. From the Antechamber of the Tomb of Tutankhamun
Ka Statue of Tutankhamun Wearing the Khat Headdress. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE. From the Antechamber of the Tomb of Tutankhamun
Main Hall in Museum of Chairo
Main Hall in Museum of Chairo
Nefertiti description
Nefertiti description
Outermost shrine of Tutankhamun.18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Outermost shrine of Tutankhamun.18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Painted Chest from the Antechamber of the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Painted Chest from the Antechamber of the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1336 1327 BCE
Pair of Sandals with Bound Enemies. Tomb of Tutankhamun
Pair of Sandals with Bound Enemies. Tomb of Tutankhamun
Portable Simulacrum of Anubis, Jackel God of Mummification and Afterlife. From the Tomb of Tutankhamun
Portable Simulacrum of Anubis, Jackel God of Mummification and Afterlife. From the Tomb of Tutankhamun
Pyramidion of the Pyramid of Amenemhet III at Dahshur
Pyramidion of the Pyramid of Amenemhet III at Dahshur
Racing Chariot of Yuya., a gift from his son-in-law Amunhotep III, only one of eight chariots surviving from ancient Egypt
Racing Chariot of Yuya., a gift from his son-in-law Amunhotep III, only one of eight chariots surviving from ancient Egypt
Side View of Statue of Amenirdis. Daughter of Kashta, one of the Nubian Kings. She bore the title of Divine Wife of Amun. 25th Dynasty. 746 655 BCE. From Karnak
Side View of Statue of Amenirdis. Daughter of Kashta, one of the Nubian Kings. She bore the title of Divine Wife of Amun. 25th Dynasty. 746 655 BCE. From Karnak
Sphinx at the Entrance of the Cairo Museum
Sphinx at the Entrance of the Cairo Museum
Sphinx of Hatshepsut. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1470 1458 BCE. From Thebes
Sphinx of Hatshepsut. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1470 1458 BCE. From Thebes
Sphinx of Hatshepsut. Side View. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1470 1458 BCE. From Thebes
Sphinx of Hatshepsut. Side View. 18th Dynasty. ca. 1470 1458 BCE. From Thebes
Statue of Amenirdis. Daughter of Kashta, one of the Nubian Kings. She bore the title of Divine Wife of Amun. 25th Dynasty. 746 655 BCE. From Karnak
Statue of Amenirdis. Daughter of Kashta, one of the Nubian Kings. She bore the title of Divine Wife of Amun. 25th Dynasty. 746 655 BCE. From Karnak
Statue of Queen Tiye. 18th Dynasty. Reign of Amenhotep III. ca. 1390 1352 BCE. From Karnak. Temple of Mut
Statue of Queen Tiye. 18th Dynasty. Reign of Amenhotep III. ca. 1390 1352 BCE. From Karnak. Temple of Mut
Statue of Ramses II as a child protected by the god Huron. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1290-1224 BCE. From Tanis
Statue of Ramses II as a child protected by the god Huron. 19th Dynasty. ca. 1290-1224 BCE. From Tanis
Statue of Ramses II. Crawling Statue of the king offering a base probably for a deity. 19th Dynasty. 1279 1213 BCE
Statue of Ramses II. Crawling Statue of the king offering a base probably for a deity. 19th Dynasty. 1279 1213 BCE
Stele of Akhenaten. 18th Dynasty. From Heliopolis
Stele of Akhenaten. 18th Dynasty. From Heliopolis
Stele of Akhenaten. Offering Wine and Milk to the gods Atum and Hathor. 18th Dynasty
Stele of Akhenaten. Offering Wine and Milk to the gods Atum and Hathor. 18th Dynasty
Stele. Please help identify
Stele. Please help identify
Victory Stela of Merenptah. c. 1213 1203 BCE. From Thebes. Different View
Victory Stela of Merenptah. c. 1213 1203 BCE. From Thebes. Different View
Victory Stela of Merenptah. c. 1213 1203 BCE. From Thebes
Victory Stela of Merenptah. c. 1213 1203 BCE. From Thebes
Victory Stela of Merenptah. Closeup of Mention of Israel. c. 1213 1203 BCE. From Thebes
Victory Stela of Merenptah. Closeup of Mention of Israel. c. 1213 1203 BCE. From Thebes
Wooden jewel box for Amenhotep
Wooden jewel box for Amenhotep

Images 1-44 of 44 displayed.